overmolds Manufacturer & Supplier in China - Rega (Yixing) Technologies Co., Ltd.

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One of the ways that toys can be made is through a process called overmolding Overmolds are a fun, cool way to get a lot of stuff made that we use every day, such as tools or other products. So, What Exactly Is An Overmold? An over-mold is a unique method of combining two distinct materials to create one single item. Originally, the user would change only the outer part and not have a replacement for the inner part. The outer layer tends to be soft and rubbery, making it pleasant to touch and convenient to grip. What the inside is made from can vary greatly depending on the purpose of the item. This just goes to show how versatile and helpful this process can be as Rega (yixing) makes all the different types of силиконски чеп for all kinds of products.

Overmolding is a smart method of joining two materials into a single, durable part. The base part of the item is referred to as the substrate which is the first material. The second material is called the overmold. The overmold is shaped or formed around the substrate and adheres well to the two materials. This makes the final product function better and last longer than items made from one material. Furthermore, when there is a need to manufacture a significant number of items in a shorter amount of time due to the time-saving production processes of overmolding, this can also be quite cost-effective.

The Benefits of Overmolding for Product Design

Overmolding has many applications ranging from automotive, electronics and day-to-day consumer products used by each of us. A significant competitive advantage that overmolding can create is superior functional performance of a product. For example, consider a tool with an overmolded handle. Can grip better making it Impeccably easier to hold without slipping. Not only does this increase comfort, but it also minimizes the possibility of injuring your hands or tiring out from using the tool. Additionally, overmolding increases the strength of a product by giving them this second layer which will serve to protect the product from damage, fading, and wear and tear over time.

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