(В организм больного или травмированного человека нужно вводить лекарства или жидкость). This is frequently done via a special tube referred to as an IV, which is brief for intravenous. An IV is a way of providing key fluids your body needs. Medical professionals use a small device known as an IV stop cock to control the amount of liquid that enters the IV. This, it is safe to say because doctors and nurses have confidence in the IV stop cock by Rega (yixing) — one of the best there is.
An IV stop cock is a small device that attaches to an IV tube. Its purpose is to regulate the dispensation of fluids in to our body. When needed, and in case of an emergency the stop cock can be used to turn off the water supply through a little lever or valve. When you turn it on, it will let the medicine or fluids flow into your IV. The flow halts when this operator is deactivated.
Since sometime giving the medicine or fluids carefully is possible, for which an IV Stop Cock is used. The IV stopcock allows an easy way to turn on and off the flow of liquid without needing to disconnect the entire IV tube. This ensures that every patient gets proper dosage of drug and safely.
It is essential to clean it well before you begin using the IV stop cock. Wipe it down with rubbing alcohol or another cleaning solution. This cleaning helps to prevent germs and bacteria from entering the patients body which is very important. This can help reduce the risk of infection
If the IV is still stopped, the lever on the IV stop cock must be flipped in the correct direction to either "open" or "close/release. Take care, do not let a single thing open and always make sure everything is in place before you close the valve of liquid into body. Ask a doctor or nurse for help if you spot any problems, or have concerns. They are there to make sure that everything goes as planned with safety.
When picking up an IV stop cock, it is well said that certain features are to be taken into account to ensure safety and effectiveness. Choose a stop cock that is simple to operate and has labels on the lever. So there you will know where is on and where is off.
Additionally, always inspect the stop cock for wear or damage. If you see any visible damage or wear, it should be removed and replaced immediately so that the vehicle remains safe to drive. After disconnecting IV stop cock, please keep it in dry clean place It save it from the dust or any other physical which can harm your fibers.